Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: a Trip to the Groomer


and After


Junosmom said...

Ah, a picture of the best doggie in the world! She is going to need a sweater in this weather, n'est pas?

chuckmccky said...

Junosmom: she will not need a sweater as she is a 100% indoor dog. She was potty trained on "Puppy Pads" laid down on the kitchen floor. She still use them! It is a lot easier picking up the pads and tossing them than having to walk her in nasty weather.

Crazy Working Mom said...

Wow, what a difference a trim makes 'eh?! She's a beauty. I'm wordless here.

Karen said...

We just had our doggie groomed too. He was a big furball. Come see my Wordless Wednesday that is not so wordless. LOL

Anonymous said...

Aw, how pretty! I'm gonna have to take my twins to the groomer sooner or later. Lion cuts for them! lol

Junosmom said...

Oh, yes, you've told me that. My mind is on overload this week.

pita-woman said...

Aww, how cute!
Gee, I can't imagine having 3 Great Danes (mine obviously) trained to use puppy pads indoors all the time... um, no thanks, I'll just tolerate the mud they track in and continue to let them go outdoors.