It has been two months since my last update, however I have not written the first parking citation! In order to write a citation you must have someone "run the plate" for you so that you can know the registered owner's (RO in police talk) name, address, etc. I found this out in December and after calling several people, I found that our county dispatch could do this, however I needed to be approved by their "board" which was not scheduled to meet until March (they had meet 3 days before). In early February, I got a call from the Director of Dispatch. Some how I had gotten approved, but needed to sign a "User Agreement". It took another week to get the agreement signed, then of course it had to go to Frankfort (state capital) so I would be approved by them, and "put in" the computer system. Yesterday I got word that I as now able to run plates.
I had to go to the county court house today to renew the plates on my wife's auto. There were two cars without the proper credentials (hang tags or plates) parked in Handicapped spots. But it was much too cold today to write any citations, so they lucked out--for today.
...and now, you are leaving for warmer climes. It would see you are a fair weather constable. Even so, you are doing more than the last guy, whoever he was. I look forward to hearing about your first citation, except if it is me. I wonder, is parking in the alley near the shop legal??
I'm with Junosmom here. It is precisely when it is miserable that people who really need those spots are in the worst situation...
I think you need to gird the loins, there...
The bureaucracy is a bit astounding, although one would want a system of checks and balances in place...
Enjoy the warm weather, wherever you are headed.
Constable Chuck, now that you can really get down to seriously writing out citations, could I beg of you to patrol Main Str., between 2nd & 4th Avenues, and take a look at the vehicles I see parked along the street with expired tags? Or how about the autos that are parked facing the wrong direction... isn't that a no-no?
And, if you patrol the area when there is visitation going on (especially a large visitation), I'm sure you could find plenty of offenders on 4th Str.
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