Sunday, January 25, 2009

MTM - Between the Lanes

This tranquil stream (actually it is called Currys Fork) runs in the land between the northbound and southbound lanes of the Interstate that runs through my town. It is in the area that Junosmom recently wrote about: Lifetime Learning: My Town Monday - Divided by Deer. It looks like the deer have just the habitat that they need!


Robin said...

Only the concrete ruins it! Nice pic! Thanks for sharing!

Barrie said...

Is it a good place for a picnic in the summer?

Sepiru Chris said...

No wonder the deer get into trouble!

Junosmom said...

Hi Chuck, I just may get to see you this week - though I did spy you at Church yesterday. So you found the name of the creek, did ya? I am wondering where you took the photo. Will ask tomorrow. Hopefully, you did not have to cross into the median to take it!

Travis Erwin said...

Are there fish in that creek?

chuckmccky said...

The stream was frozen over. Can fish live in a frozen over stream? I would not picnic there as it is between the two lanes of the Interstate. I think the KY State Police would shoo you away. And yes, I did cross the Interstate.

Kristina said...

I caught a glimpse of that creek the other day, but I'm thankful to you for showing it to me up close and personal. I don't have the guts to cross that road.